Station Progress
Posted on: 07.8.2011
It's been a long time since I have posted an update, sorry, life happens.
But I am happy to show the work I've been doing on the station. I've still been working just on big items and haven't gotten to the details yet.
Most of the layout is done on the station and I'm excited to start texturing (because I need a break from modeling). But fairly soon I'll start adding tons of little details that will really make the overall station look great! This includes, handrails, station gates, track, track components (such as brakes). During that I'll be texturing and getting everything looking good and then I'll start the longer process of lighting the scene. It's a long process because when lights are added to a scene the time required to render a single frame goes up greatly.
Enough talking though, here are the new pictures, enjoy!
(I hope to be doing updates more frequently until September so be on the lookout for them).