Rendered Mouse

uh oh

Inside queue 2

Part of project: Space Mountain 3d

Ok time for a new update, focused on the area of the queue after the blue tunnel and before entering the station. That little area where there are several turns as you turn into the station.

I selected 4 pictures that show the progress of designing and modeling the ceiling pieces. First I put in the objects and look at reference photos to match up the look and general spacing. There isn't any texture at this point and that can be seen in the first picture, the pieces are just red.

Then once I feel good about the shape of the objects and how they fit together I begin to texture them. In the second picture I tried to add the texture for them and for some reason the texture that is on the doors got loaded on the new pieces. Quite annoying. I spent some time correcting that and added the exit sign above the exit door which can be seen in the 3rd shot.

The fourth shot shows just an overview shot of the tunnel. I noticed that the last segment before the doors is dark, so I darkened it up a bit and took this shot down the queue. I still have a bit to do with lighting this section of the queue, hopefully I can get the results that I want from it, we shall see.

Incase you are wondering, the box down by the door was put there so that I could see the shadows, because they didn't seem to be working. But by seeing the shadows on the box, I knew they were.

That's it for this update, stay tuned as I'm currently re-rendering out the outside queue animation and the first 200 frames looks great! If you have any questions feel free to ask by e-mail, facebook, twitter, or on any Disney fan-site that you can find me on.

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