Rendered Mouse

uh oh

Welcome to the Rendered Mouse blog

Welcome to the Rendered Mouse blog!  This has been something I've wanted to put on the site for along time but needed the site to be re-designed first.  That finally went live last week and then I built out the blog portion of the site. 

What's this blog going to be about?

You know I'm not entirely sure what this blog will cover.  I want it to cover several things revolving around theme parks, but not theme park news.  There are plenty of theme park related websites that share the latest news from the theme park world.  I check several of them everyday, but the internet doesn't need another one.  For this blog I hope to cover other things related to theme parks.  This might include a post about Disneyland blueprints, behind the scenes at the Haunted Mansion, or even my ramblings about my experiences at some theme parks.  I also want to post about and review theme park related apps (the number of which is steadily growing) along with our own apps that we'll be launching very soon. With some of our apps I plan on doing write-ups on a behind the scenes look at how I build them and the work that goes into them.  This means getting into some of the cool technologies we use here at Rendered Mouse.

How often are you going to post on it?

Probably not as often as you or I would like.  I plan to post as ideas come about and as content can be written.  I don't want to crank out a post everyday just to try to get traffic.  I will be doing fewer, albeit, better posts as time allows.

Can I make a suggestion for a post?

Sure, not having to come up with all the ideas is always wonderful.  If you even want to guest post we can arrange that as well.  Just keep the ideas theme park related and informational.


Well that's about it for this blog post.  I just wanted to get the first blog post up and out on the interwebs.  Any thoughts or feelings can be left below.