Wow, a lot has happened between last week and this update. I had Monday off from work (State Holiday) and got a lot of the station done. In the past few days I've finished up everything I want to add to the station and I'm quite happy about that.
Which meant that today I started adding lights. This was quite an interesting process. I first of all have an 'environment' ambient light, it's set at a very dark-purple/blue. I then started adding lights down the queue hallways and into the station. The weirdest thing is that sometimes the lights overshoot the objects and the lights from the blue hallway is spilling over into the station. So I will just have to 'animate' the lights and turn them off before the camera comes into the station.
I also found that texturing is very hard. I hadn't done tons of it outside as most of the things outside are solid materials. But inside a lot of things have patterns and textures, so I tried my best, it's not even close to good. But luckily the low lights kind of hide it. =)
Onto the pictures! Enjoy as there is a lot in them this week.